10/10 TEAM PAGE!   
WELCOME Friends! Neighbors!
Join our “10/10” team of people that support Break Through's mission
Help encourage, educate and support
persons with disabilities to fulfill their dreams
Hello Friends,

Yes we moved again after 8 years in Rapid City, SD we moved to Rochester, MN.   We have a small condo of 850 square feet but it is nice.  My wife Dee needed cancer treatments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester every three weeks and it was 600 miles one way from Rapid City to Rochester so...………...after two years of driving she said let's move so...............….Here we are. 


Dee and I moved to Rapid City, SD in January of 2013. How time flies.  We took on a one year contract with Black Hills Works which ended January 30th 2014.  The contract ended but we decided to continue our residency here in Rapid City.

I was at Crazy Horse Monument in Custer, SD in the Black Hills and a young man came up to me and said thank you for speaking in his class as he was one of the 7000 students I spoke to in South Dakota in 2012.

We were very honored to have received our third grant from the South Dakota Developmental Disability Council which started in August of 2014 and ended December 2015.  With this grant we have brought presentations on disabilities and bullying to  Native American and rural communities and schools. In 2017-2018 we have grants from the Nebraska Developmental Disability Council.

Dee and I were also at a “Monster Truck Show” in Rapid City last winter and a young 5th grader came up to us and thanked us for speaking at his school in Wyoming.  I have many more stories where people have stopped me to thank me for my presentations.  It is probably not the words I say but the fact that I have a disability that made an impact on their life and attitudes.  Today these youths will remember my talk for a long time and that is the importance of these talks and the message that I give to these youths, parents and educators

Dee and I have been involved with the disability issues within our church community and also statewide as we were part of  an “emerging summit” and also an “Access Sunday” on disabilities in Boulder, Colorado and their "Widening the Welcome" conference in Hartford, CT this September. We now have a grant from the United Church of Christ to provide to churches and youth groups in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.

We need your help to continue with our mission of education and advocacy.  As you may know these grants needed us to raise 30% of the costs for those free programs to schools, churches and communities on the subject of disabilities and bullying. 

We also need continued support so we can travel to other states and speak at schools and thereby reach youths in other schools.  We hope to speak in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Montana in the coming years.

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Here are a few photos of some conferences where Break Through has provided workshops and "learning experiences" for educators and parents
Ben is the main speaker for Break Through.
"Our mission is one of rehabilitation education and advocacy for and about people with disabilities to encourage and enlighten the public about people with disabilities in that they are people first and have rights and needs and that they also have gifts and talents to bring  to the community."

Your help can make a real difference for families of children with disability. 
If you wish to support Break Through

please mail your tax deductible check to :

Break Through Inc.,
c/o Ben D. Anderson|
2054 11th Ave SE
Unit B
Rochester, MN  55904

other reviews:

Reviews from Sheridan (Wyoming) High School students (and teachers) held on March 18th 2014-
Presenter Ben D. Anderson- Break Through Inc.

Below are some answers to "What did you like best about the program" "What will you tell others about Ben D. Anderson's presentation?" and "anything else you would like to share."
"Mr. Anderson was very motivational. I think he inspired kids to think about the effects of bullying. I also think he helped kids realize their potential despite their disabilities. Mr. Anderson was amazing. He is very inspirational and motivating. He really makes you think about how you treat others. I enjoyed the presentation a great deal Thank you for your time and commitment to our youth." (Teacher)content/delivery ( 4 outstanding)
"What I liked about this program the most was Ben's confidence he believed in everything he said and I am so glad my class went down to watch. I love how he has always over come any obstacle that is in his way. As soon as the presentation was over I was talking to everyone about what Ben had taught me. Although he was not talking directly to me but I felt as if we were the only ones in the room. This presentation has taught me so much about keeping on and overcoming your fears and I told my friends all about Ben and how he looks at life compared to how I look at life. Ben you are very amazing and you have experienced so much that most people with cerebral palsy would never experience. I am impressed with your attitude toward life and I wish I had the same attitude. And because of your presentation I am going to hold myself to the highest standards. Thank you so much for coming to our school and I hope you can come back and talk to the schools as a whole. Thank you again.
--(student)--content 4-outstanding
Attendee at the March 17th 2014 Sheridan College presentation wrote:   "He (Ben) needs to be speaking in our Wyoming schools @ the junior and senior high schools, parent groups, parent /teacher groups"

September 30, 2010

Ben was a guest lecturer in my graduate level SPED professional and family partnership class. His life story completely mesmerized my students. Many of my students later told me that Ben's story more than moved them - it changed them. Ben taught my graduate students something that classes filled with textbooks could not - how to walk in the shoes of a thriving individual who has spent a live time with a disability.
"September 29, 2010

I met Ben at a National Paraeducator Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. He is just an amazing guy and with all of his struggles through his life he has created this great non profit and tool for others to learn. But not only for other adults to learn but a tool to teach with. I might work with students who might not get what Ben is doing but we have helpers in the classroom that do. I love using his story to help them understand you don't pity those in my classroom and you never under estimate them either. I think every teacher should read his book and hear him speak. Being part of the Special Needs area I strongly feel it should be a requirement.

other reviews
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